Review review: our code of conduct

Since we mentioned our "code of conduct" for this site when reviewing shows and/or albums, it seemed like a good idea to let you know what it is and where we believe it positions N2DS2W: somewhere between Pitchfork and Ripfork.

1. We will not write reviews that compare bands to other bands or otherwise include analogies, similes or metaphors ad nauseum.
2. We will remember that music is a very personal topic and our views are our own. Meaning: it's subjective, stupid.
3. We will not write a show review that bashes a band for having an off night. They might be awesome the next night, so why discourage others from attending? This is different from noting an obvious weakness or lack of talent.
4. If we come off sounding snarky, we most likely mean it.

Bottom line is, we are passionate about Canadian indie music, and writing about it.