Phog Lounge ~ Windsor
Wsg Crissi Cochrane
Open Mic Surgery with James O-L after (10:30)

1. Because "Grant Lawrence has long been a leading voice in Canadian arts and entertainment. For years, the gregarious and encyclopedic Lawrence has hosted the top-rated CBC Radio 3 Podcast with Grant Lawrence, a monthly showcase of Canadian independent music. Grant also hosts Grant Lawrence Live, a live and interactive daily program on CBC Radio 3′s popular web radio station, also airing on Sirius XM 162. Grant can be heard throughout the week on various CBC Radio One programs such as DNTO, All Points West, RadioWest, On The Coast, and various afternoon programs across the country... Prior to his work at CBC, Grant was the lead singer of the internationally acclaimed Vancouver band The Smugglers."
2. Joe Wiebe, special to the Vancouver Sun, says: "Following in his footsteps, let me say right now that The Lonely End of the Rink is the best book to come out since, well, his first book, Adventures in Solitude. That book was a national bestseller, deservedly so, and Lawrence’s new book surely will be a hit, too. Its rock ‘em sock ‘em examination of our country’s hockey culture reminds me of a Tiger Williams brawl combined with a Wayne Gretzky goal. And in terms of literary prowess, Grant knocks the pads off another famous goalie who wrote some hockey books. What’s his name again? Oh yeah: Ken Dryden." Read more
3. Authors need support as much as musicians.
4. You can helpfully point out Hockeytown across the river.
5. Vancouver broadcaster Cory Ashworth for The Huffington Post: "This book reads like a fast-paced adventure and you don't have to have an ounce of interest in hockey to love every sentence and period. In fact beyond the pads and pucks you'll find one of the most relatable and lovable Canadian tales of growing up a bullied nerd and West Coast Canuck." Read more
6. You'll get to hear the lovely Crissi Cochrane.
7. You need a Christmas gift for that hockey-crazy friend/brother/dad/nemesis.
8. It's Monday. What else do you have planned?
9. We're all goalies in life. Think about it.
10. Grant Lawrence is King of the Forest.