Sometimes the decision making process that results in a tour lineup seems inscrutable to fans. Just days before the Hot Hot Heat/Hey Rosetta! Show last Saturday in the Crofoot’s Pike Room, we discovered that the 22-20s had been added to the bill. What? Who?
Waiting to see Hey Rosetta! for the very first time was like walking into a classroom in the fall knowing that a professor you admire will be teaching it. Every step closer to the door in the long line and every step up the stairs brought us closer to the realization.
Then, as we were getting IDed and banded, the first notes hit us. “Hey Rosetta! are the opener? How can this be?”
Luckily there were a few spots at the front side of the stage waiting for us, as the Pike Room was packed. It seemed like we’d been there for only minutes when we heard Tim announce “This is our last song.” Once again, disbelief: “How can this be?” Only six songs by one of the best indie bands in
This is not a 22-20s review nor a Hot Hot Heat review. Both these bands were outstanding and rocked their asses off. It is a review of the agent who, in our eyes, had the opening acts in the wrong order.
Tim waxed poetic on the HR! tour blog the following day.
The fields are beautiful and on a day that finally feels like September should (warm and cool all at once) it’s a perfect sight. Much like the packed Pike Room at the Crofoot in