Happy Belated Birthday to N2DS2W

We've been so busy we forgot to wish ourselves happy birthday. We turned one year old on July 9. Since that time we've:
  • Seen nearly 100 shows/bands/musicians
  • Posted 150 times
  • Met and chatted with an amazing number of amazingly talented and genuinely nice people (both fellow R3 bloggers and performers)
  • Attended four music festivals
  • Received page views from around the world
  • Been voted one of the top 60 Canadian music websites in CBC Radio 3's 2011 Searchlight
  • Enjoyed ourselves more than we ever dreamed possible
As the site has evolved, we also revisited our mission statement and tweaked it to more accurately reflect what we do:

Our goal is to make this the most comprehensive site that promotes, fosters awareness of and helps Canadian indie musicians and bands coming through the Windsor/Detroit area.
Thank you to everyone who has shared our passion and journey. It's all about the music.