Somebody Wasn't Nice To Michou.

Photo by Russ Gordon/N2D Images

We hate writing these posts. Another sickening story of musicians having their equipment stolen. This is sad and disturbing as these are the tools that people use to earn their living. This time it was Windsor's Michou.

From the band's Facebook page today:

"Last night we had the unfortunate luck of having our car broken 
into and gear stolen. We had some gear in the trunk that was not 
visible from the outside. We have reason to believe someone has 
been watching us come and go with gear and has been planning the 
sting for some time. Please share this post and keep an eye out 
for the following gear. Attached are the serial numbers. We've made 
a police report and every pawn shop has to check serial numbers with 
the police before putting an item to sell. To get this gear back in the 
next week is critical. These pieces are our livelihood. Thanks for your help."

UPDATE: The Windsor Star



Iron Coba Kick Pedal - Serial number 004

Sabian AA Rock Crash - Serial number 002

Sabian Rock Ride 18" - No serial number

Ziljian Light K Hi-Hat - Serial number 64 2388299647


Pedal Pad Case - Serial number 007

Boss DD7 Digital Delay Pedal - Serial number CX76639

Boss BD2 Blues Driver Pedal - Serial number ZY26562

Boss RE20 Roland Space Echo - Serial number OO8

Boss TU2 Chromatic Tuner Pedal - Serial number OO9

MXR Micro Amp - Serial number O11

Roland EV5 Expression Pedal - Serial number O12

Please keep your eyes and ears open. If you run across any of this equipment, contact the Windsor Police Dept. (519) 258-6111.