We Are The City release High School on March 22

PEAK Performance Project winners We Are The City are getting ready to release High School, a short but worthy collection of songs that will make your ears thank you.

In their own words:  "The High School project initially began as a separate band, which we started during the summer of 2010 as another creative outlet.  We tied T-shirts over our faces and adopted fictional aliases.  Cayne was Lindsey Jone.  Andrew was Matthew Curran.  Later, Blake joined in as Bobby Reynolds.  These characters gave us a chance to explore some shameful memories that we've previously avoided talking about. 

This recording is the first time that we've played the High School songs as We Are The City.  

Their recent Phog Lounge live show review can be seen here.

More tour dates and info HERE.
Photos: Russ Gordon
